Masjid Al-Aqsa - The Second House of Allah on Earth (Hadith 1)
Abu Dharr (ra) reported that he asked the Prophet (saw), "O Messenger of Allah, which Masjid was built first on earth"? The Prophet (saw) replied, "The Sacred Masjid of Makkah". Abu Dharr (ra) again asked, "Which was next"? The Prophet (saw) said, "Masjid Al-Aqsa". Abu Dharr (ra) further asked, "How long was the period between the building of the two Masjids"? The Prophet (saw) said, "Forty years". Apart from these, offer your prayer anywhere when it is time to pray, although excellence is in praying in these Masjids".
The Importance of Visiting Masjid Al-Aqsa (Hadith 2)
Abu Hurayrah (ra) relates that the Prophet (saw) said, "You should not undertake a special journey to visit any place other than the following three Masjids with the expectations of getting greater reward: the Sacred Masjid of Makkah (Ka'bah), this Masjid of mine (the Prophet's Masjid in Madinah), and Masjid Al-Aqsa (of Jerusalem)". In another narration the words are, "For three Masjids a special journey may be undertaken: The Sacred Masjid (Ka'bah), my Masjid and Masjid of Jerusalem (Al-Aqsa).
[Muslim, Bukhari, Abu Dawud]
Masjid Al-Aqsa - The Place for Major Events (Hadith 17 - 24)
Mujamma Ibn Al-Harith (ra) narrates that the Prophet (saw) said, "Ibn Maryam (Jesus) will kill AlDajjal (the Anti-Christ) at the door of Ludd (a town in Palestine)".
[Ahmad, Tirmidhi)]
The Messenger of Allah (saw) said regarding Al-Dajjal: "He will stay in the land forty days; he will enter every place on earth except the Ka'bah, the Prophet's Masjid, Al-Aqsa Sanctuary and Mount Sinai".
Masjid Al-Aqsa - The place of Mujahideen (Hadith 25 - 27)
Umamah Al-Bahili (ra) reports that the Prophet (saw) said, "A group of my Ummah will remain on truth, they will vanquish their enemy and those who disagree with them will not be able to harm them until Allah commands". "Where are these people"? The Companions (ra) asked. The Prophet (saw) said, "In and around Al-Quds (Jerusalem).
Masjid Al-Aqsa - The Best Place of Residence (Hadith 28)
Abdullah Ibn Umar (ra) reports that the Prophet (saw) said, There will be migration upon migration. The best of the inhabitants of earth will reside where Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) migrated (Jerusalem)".
[Abu Dawud]
The Preference of Masjid Al-Aqsa (Hadith 32 - 34)
32/Once the Prophet (saw) advised Abdullah Ibn Hawwala (ra) to join the army in al-Sham, over any other. However, the Prophet (saw), noticing Ibn Hawwala's indifference said, "Do you know what Allah says about Al-Sham? Allah said, 'Al-Sham you are the quintessence of My lands (safwati min biladi) and I shall inhabit you with the chosen ones among My servants'".
33/Abdullah Ibn Amr (ra) reports that the Prophet (saw) repeated the following statement three times: "When the dissension takes place belief shall be in Al-Sham". One version of hadith states, "safety will be in Al-Sham".
34/Abdullah Ibn Hawwala reports that the Prophet (saw) said, "At some point you will be (split into) standing armies: one army in Al-Sham, on in Yemen and one in Iraq". Abdullah Ibn Hawala asked he Prophet (saw), "Choose for me, Messenger of Allah in case I live to see that day". The Prophet (Saw) replied, "You must go to Al-Sham, for it is the chosen land of Allah in all His earth. He protects, by sending them there, the chosen ones among His servants. If you do not wish to go there, then go to Yemen. Allah has given me guarantee concerning Al-Sham and its people.
[Abu Dawud, Ahmad]
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