The Weakness of the Ahaadeeth Mentioning Wiping the Face with the Hands After Du`aa' (Supplication)
Hits: 946
The Two Rak`ahs After Witr
Hits: 1067
Analysis of the Ahaadeeth regarding the saying of `aameen' by the Imaam and the Congregation
Hits: 918
The Weakness of the Hadeeth condemning Recitation behind the Imaam
Hits: 929
The weakness of the hadeeth about placing the hands below the navel.
Hits: 1084
The one who prayed badly" (radi Allaahu `anhu)
Hits: 943
The authentic hadeeth: "You are right in some of it and wrong in some of it."
Hits: 966
The Weakness of the Ahaadeeth endorsing
Hits: 989
Hits: 1001
The Tasleem (Salutation of Peace)
Hits: 911